Killing Floor - Harold Lott Character Pack For Mac


  1. Killing Floor - Harold Lott Character Pack For Mac Download
  2. Killing Floor - Harold Lott Character Pack For Mac Osx

After all the fun we've had over the years listening to people shouting 'Money, Money, Money' in game, we thought it only fitting to both pay homage to, and parody all that was wonderful about the boom years of the 1980s. We introduce to you... Harold Lott! And, being the kind people that we are, with this particular DLC, we've added the inbuilt and inate ability to leave a trail of dosh behind you as you charge around the map! DOSH!
Key features:
Crass, loud and abusive, the only reason Harold has any friends at all is because he’s loaded, a fact he never lets anyone forget. A lottery winner at the tender age of 17, Harold surprised everyone by investing his winnings, for the most part, wisely (his brief flirtation with pet cryogenics notwithstanding). Harold’s now the CEO of three successful multinational companies and owns his own money-themed porn channel. But now his beloved London is under siege from Horzine’s creations and Harold, despite his foul mouth and penchant for lighting £50 notes under the noses of tramps, loves its streets with all his heart. So he’s got a new goal, a hostile takeover of Horzine from the ground up, starting with its hideous monstrosities.

Killing Floor - Harold Lott Character Pack For Mac Download

Before version 1.066 Mac 10 had the same type of the damage as shotguns hence was different than other submachine guns in the game in terms of effectiveness against certain ZEDs. Currently it has been patched and now it does same type of the damage as other SMGs. Harold Lott is a DLC character added to Killing Floor in the Harold Lott Character Pack (also known as the Money Money DLC) on July 5th, 2012. He features a special cosmetic effect of leaving a trail of floating Dosh behind when he moves. This Dosh cannot be collected. Please enter a valid Date of Birth.

Killing Floor - Harold Lott Character Pack For Mac Osx

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