WolfQuest: Anniversary Edition Crack

We have been busy working on dens for WolfQuest: Anniversary Edition’s expanded Slough Creek map. (published 1/30/20)As before, there will be three types of den: Underground, under boulders, and under trees, and today’s devblog video takes a first look at the first type: basically a hole in the ground.Many many people have asked, “Can we go into the den?” and we always reply, “Dens.

With your purchase of WolfQuest, you get both WolfQuest 2.7 Classic and WolfQuest 3: Anniversary Edition (early access)! IMPORTANT: The Free Trial is for WQ 2.7, not for the new Anniversary Edition - which has higher hardware requirements than WQ. Bighorn Sheep in WolfQuest. Coming soon to WolfQuest: Anniversary Edition! Bighorn sheep will be found on the cliffs of Specimen Ridge below Amethyst Mountain, across from Tower Fall, and in rocky areas above Slough Creek. Catching a bighorn sheep will take a. WolfQuest 1.0.3 Public Beta Now Available! This beta (1.0.3 beta10a) is now available in our beta branch on Steam (for Windows only). See bottom of this post for instructions on how to get it. Feb 26, 2015 WolfQuest free download. Get the latest version now. Learn about wolf by living the life of a wild wolf in Yellowstone National Park. Jul 30, 2019 WolfQuest: Anniversary Edition Free Download PC Game Cracked in Direct Link and Torrent.

We release patches (fixes) and updates frequently. The game updates itself automatically when you launch.

v1.0.5e (12 December 2020)


* On Wolf Customization, a new readout indicating if the selected wolf coat and tint value makes it a gray or black coat, in terms of K locus genetics.
* Hotkeys for Emote Favorites, using 1-7 numbers on your keyboard. (Press-hold on an Emote to add or remove it from the Favorites panel.)
* If game is unable to save to the Saves folder (for unknown reasons), game now offers option to collect more data to submit with bug report, which may help us solve the problem.
* Quest icons on each quest intro/completion panel.
* Family snapshot is saved after completing Find a Mate (or loading a game in the final quest in Amethyst). This will let you start a new game in Slough Creek (once it's released) without loading into Amethyst.
* On World Map, territory hexes now have a thick outline when above 50% strength, and opacity begins to drop at 70%.
* Added emotes: Woof and Squeak (these will be pup commands in Slough Creek, no effect in Amethyst).
* Added Camera Slope Auto-Adjust toggle in Game Settings: Gameplay. Disabling it will stop the camera from finding its preferred position above the ground on slopey terrain.


* Changed Pickup Object input from double-tap spacebar to press-hold spacebar (or A button on controller).
* The Y-Invert toggle for normal camera and headcam have changed to standardized game setting. The game should remember which way you prefer it, but if not, please open Game Settings: Controls and click the Y-axis toggles on or off.
* Controls Remapping: Alert appears if you try to map an action onto a key which already has an action mapped.
* For double-tap W for Gallop/Trot toggle: reduced the time window for the second tap, to make it less like to trigger gallop inadvertently.
* When kicking wolves with their front legs, ungulates will not kick quite as quickly in succession, giving the wolf a chance to get away.
* In multiplayer, hares and meat chunks should stay closer to wolf when dropping them to ground.
* In multiplayer, probably some reductions in teleporting during hunts and wolf fights.
* Snowshoe hare: Tweaked AI so it should react sooner to predators.
* Music now plays during scene loading.
* Wolf releases bite-hold on prey if prey runs into water.
* Reduced frequency of eagle cry when flying.
* Changed audio file loading method to reduce excess memory usage.
* Made snowshoe hare more wary of predators.


* In Amethyst in early November, you dream every time you sleep.
* Boulders sometimes have snow when they shouldn't.
* Carrying food in mouth plays dinnertime music.
* Camera lags and jitters when targeted during strafing.
* Snowshoe hare label is inconsistent.
* Autosave schedule progresses when game is paused.
* Some issues with controller support and navigating the main menu UI.
* Line break typo in Lost River mission intro.
* Photo Mode icon doesn't disappear when it should.
* Mouse wheel doesn't zoom on map.

1.0.5d (23 October 2020)


  • Halloween decorations in Lost River (and a few in Amethyst Mountain).
  • A few more controller improvements.
  • In multiplayer, for client players, turning animals will turn to look in the direction of the turn (was previously only for hosts).
  • Reduced fox spawning rate a bit.
  • Changed texture on frozen creeks.
  • Made some reductions in memory load.


  • MacOS: Pack Territories overlay in World Map should now appear properly for everyone on MacOS.
  • Boulders don't accumulate snow.
  • Issues with small pond near Amethyst cliffs in fall and winter.
  • Rebinding Bite/Eat/Drink button to Left Mouse Button causes problems.
  • Competitors are delayed by 4-6 seconds after breaking free from a bite-hold before they can attack. (Bug fixed but there are other delays that keep them from attacking instantaneously.)

1.0.5c (11 October 2020)


  • In multiplayer, you can now mute another player in Pack Info, so their text chat is hidden until you unmute them.
  • In multiplayer, lockon arrow now appears over other player-wolves, so you can lock on and autorun to follow them.
  • In multiplayer, when loading a saved game, the max number of players from the save is preserved.
  • Added controller support for a few UI panels that were missing it (Load, Save, Game Settings, Account, My Wolves/Edit Wolf, Setup New Game, Lobby, Login and Register).
  • Added controller support for World Map pan and zoom.
  • Onscreen Keyboard now has an input field above that displays the text.
  • Scent post active marking area is larger now, to make it easier to reinforce the post rather than accidentally create a new one.
  • Multiplayer autosaves now have a -MP tag in name.


  • Distant winter landscapes in Amethyst become oddly patterned if you switch to Basic Sky & Veg mode and then back to Enhanced.
  • In multiplayer, animals, including players, sometimes end up deep underground and becoming invisible (probably fixed).
  • In multiplayer, players may spawn at edge of map if host is near impassible areas or structures (especially common in Lost River due to all the buildings).
  • Overlapping text in the 'Time to Sleep' notification in multiplayer.
  • Wolf sometimes floats in air when standing on mule deer carcass.
  • If you click New Game, then Join Multiplayer, the map pulldown disappears (correctly), but does not reappear if you switch back to Single-player.
  • In multiplayer, in rare circumstances, wolf can get stuck half underground, half above ground.

1.0.5b (1 October 2020)


  • When loading a saved multiplayer game, the host can now change their wolf along with the game's difficulty, region, number of players, and access settings. They can also keep or remove the 'wolves in limbo' (other players who were in the game when it was saved, and whose wolf is preserved in a limbo state in that game.)
  • Players who leave a multiplayer game can now switch their wolf and then rejoin it with the new wolf.
  • In a multiplayer game, the host can now kick wolves 'in limbo' (who have left the game but their wolf remains for five minutes in case they return) without that counting toward the three-kick limit.
  • Players who are in limbo (away from keyboard or have left the game without indicating they are not returning) have brackets around their wolf nametag, and that status is indicated in Pack Info.
  • Death in multiplayer is reclassified as 'near-death' (since you can revive without aid of veterinarian).
  • New revive animation after near-death experience in multiplayer.
  • In multiplayer chat, up to 12 all-caps letters are now allowed.


  • Occasionally in multiplayer games, game is corrupted and cannot be saved.
  • On some Mac computers, the pack territory overlay does not appear on the World Map. (We think we fixed this. Please report if we have or not!)
  • At the end of pack rally, for client (non-host) players, the rally wolfhead icon does not (but should) flash black for 15 seconds before the rally ends.
  • In the Quests panel, keyboard/controller icons do not appear correctly.
  • When loading a multiplayer game, the Load panel shows Mate status, but there are no mates in multiplayer.
  • In multiplayer, occasionally some creek pebbles have snow on them when it hasn't snow recently. * Fossil forest objects are too bright when covered in snow.
  • In Lost River, animals walk slightly above concrete in one section of Hank's Ditch.
  • Some trees grow out of boulders.

PATCH 1.0.5a (September 25, 2020)

NOTE: On some Mac computers, the pack territory overlay does not appear on the World Map. We have been unable to reproduce this so have added additional debug code to this patch. If you have this problem, please submit a bug report (F11 or via ESC - Options menu.)


  • When client-player is leaving multiplayer game, we added explanatory text about wolf staying in limbo state for five minutes if the player is returning soon.
  • When using a controller, controller icons appear now in mission intro panels instead of keyboard icons.
  • When viewing a message from a pack, the Reply button now opens the Packs panel so the player can reply to everyone.


  • Various connection issues when creating or joining a multiplayer game. (Fixes for several of these, along with better notifications. Quite possibly some similar bugs remain, so please submit reports if you experience them.)
  • Players occasionally encounter enormous packs with 30 or more stranger wolves. (Possible fix in this beta, but if it happens to you, we need reports from host and other players.)
  • In Accounts, Add Friend and Add to Pack input fields do not allow underscores or similar special characters.
  • Occasionally players are unable to leave the game while sleeping because the 'Are you sure' notification is not shown.
  • When changing region in multiplayer lobby, the notification stays on longer than necessary.
  • In Accounts: Add Friend, username remains in text field after sending the request.
  • In Accounts: Packs: you can send a Pack message without a subject line.
  • Some animals are missing snow after dying.
  • Some unnecessary words removed from badwords filter.


Multiplayer Released! v1.0.5

September 18, 2020

We have released multiplayer for WolfQuest: Anniversary Edition! It’s available now in v1.0.5, and your game should automatically update via Steam or the WolfQuest game launcher. Multiplayer truly is the reason that WolfQuest has survived since the very first release in 2007 and we are thrilled to finally bring it back in Anniversary Edition.


  • Create a public game that anyone can see in the multiplayer lobby and join.
  • Create a private game with restricted access: All friends, Selected friends, or Packs. Only the selected players will see the game in the multiplayer lobby.
  • Choose from two modes: Territory Quest, where players try to claim and maintain territory, and Pack Life, where players have an enforced no-mans-land (much like in single-player) so they don't have to worry about holding territory.
  • Choose text chat or no chat. (For players under age 13, text chat is available only in private games with friends and packs. We will be adding phrase chat soon, which will be an option for everyone in all types of games.)
  • NOTE: When creating and joining multiplayer games, please select the region and game with the lowest latency (under 150ms when possible). This will help keep latency (ping) as low as possible, minimizing in-game lag and teleporting for yourself and everyone else.


  • If killed, you can revive yourself after ten seconds.
  • If very low on health, use the new Quick Heal action, which converts some food in your stomach to health. Can only restore some health (capped at 40%). On keyboard, lay down, then press-hold the R key. On controller, lay down, then press-hold Y button and right trigger simultaneously.
  • Pack Rally: If most players howl simultaneously, everyone earns a stamina boost, which lasts for about six minutes.
  • On the World Map, other player-markers are displayed only when they are within two kilometers. If they howl, their marker will appear and remain displayed for one minute. If players do a Pack Rally, everyone's markers will be displayed for everyone else for the duration of the rally.
  • When a player leaves the game, they indicate if they are planning to return soon or not. If returning soon, their wolf is put into limbo for five minutes and if they return within that time, they can resume where they were. This also occurs if they leave abruptly without clicking the Quit or Main Menu buttons (such as if they are disconnected from the game).


  • In your Account panel, you can create a Pack (private group) and invite friends to join it.
  • Send messages to pack members. (NOTE: There are a few known bugs with this: If a pack member sends a message, everyone but the host receives it, and you cannot reply to messages sent to a pack. The next patch should fix both of those issues.)
  • When creating a new multiplayer game, select one or more packs to have private access to it.


The game host runs the entire simulation, so more powerful CPUs can handle bigger simulations than weaker CPUs. The host's game runs a CPU benchmark test when starting a new game and uses that to set a cap on the number of spawned animals. If players mostly stay together, they should rarely be affected by this cap, but if there are a lot of players and they spread out, it's possible (especially if the host has a weaker CPU) to hit that cap. (The cap ranges from 50 animals for weak CPUs to 120 for powerful CPUs.)


  • We have many more features and refinements still to come, including:
  • Controller support for Accounts panels, add some missing controls for multiplayer creation.
  • Refinements to wolf and NPC animal turning (headlook, etc).
  • Add multiple spawn points and different territory configuration for each.
  • Host can name their pack.
  • Phrase Chat
  • MP Lobby filtering options.
  • Improve jumping and falling as seen by other players.
  • Enable contact emotes.
  • Add descriptive tags that host can select when creating MP game.


  • On some Mac computers, the Health and Hunger meters are empty when in Enhanced Sky & Vegetation mode. (Apparently some Mac systems do not support the new shine effect used during Quick Heal, so we have disabled that effect on all Macs, since there is no way to identify on which Macs it is a problem.)
  • Grizzlies don't have correct swim animation.
  • Some unnecessary words in the badwords list.
  • Terrain texturing discrepancies.
  • It's darkest before the dawn.....too dark.


Wolfquest Anniversary Edition Crack

PATCH 1.0.4a (24 August 2020)

NEW: Game Accounts

  • Create an Account: Players can register a WQ:AE account either by upgrading a WQ 2.7 account or creating a new account. (2.7 usernames are reserved, so upgrade if you want to keep the same username, or create a new account if you want a new username, but you cannot register a new account with a username already claimed by someone in WQ 2.7.)
  • Friends and in-game messages are working, though we have a number of refinements still do to.
  • Packs and Achievements are not set up yet.


  • Bison and stranger wolf scents adjusted for better differentiation.
  • In Wolf Customization, changed 'Stats' section name to 'Attributes'.
  • Adjustments to stamina drain and recharge rates.
  • Added notification about duplicating wolf when player changes wolf name in customization panel.
  • Camera controls: If you move left, right, or backwards in scent view or headcam, when switching back to third-person view, the camera now retains the view angle from the first-person view rather than switching to behind-the-wolf view. Camera also does not reset now after sleeping or leaving Photo Mode.


  • Floppy is dead. Long live Floppy!
  • A few boulders in Amethyst have invisible sphere colliders, making wolf walk above it, on air.
  • Some cougar sounds are truncated or sound bad.
  • On World Map, territory hexes can show 0% strength while hex is tinted.
  • Occasionally, wolf face is missing from badge.
  • On some terrain quality levels, inconsistent amount of snow in distant view.
  • Terrain texture and topography issues.
  • Ravens and eagles often don't fly away when wolf gets close.
  • Wolf carcass has two coats, can't decide which to use.
  • Controller: Cannot access Attributes buttons.
  • Amethyst ponds are green in certain lighting on low quality levels.
  • Removed some unnecessary words from badword filter.
  • Adjusted wolf howl volume.
  • Lost River: Some collider issues around the bridge.
  • Lost River: Some animals have spidey skills.
  • Lost River: NPC animals walk high in the air above the wall along the BCE compound.


PATCH 1.0.4 (8/5/2020)


  • Shake Off Attackers action (to break free when stranger wolves bite you): Input changed from spacebar to left/right movement inputs.
    • These are A/D on keyboard and left/right leftstick on controller, but will change to whatever you have remapped that to.
    • Most effective if you alternate left and right inputs.


  • Old bull bison: These old bulls hang out in small groups throughout the game world. They're cranky and dangerous, so they are best appreciated at a distance.
  • Wolf Stats: In Wolf Customization, you can now adjust your Strength, Health, Stamina, and Speed.
    • Before you can boost any of those, you must take reductions on one or more stats.
    • Changes will apply to your own wolf in saved games, but NPC wolves in saved games (before this update) will all be average.
    • NPC wolves in new games will have randomized stats.
  • Wolf can now howl when laying down.


  • Left/right movement in scentview/headcam is now sidestep/strafe movement rather than turning.
  • When fleeing from wolves, elk run a bit faster and turn less frequently, and are better at staying together as a herd.
  • Elk calves keep running with the herd for much longer (their stamina decay was much too fast before).
  • All prey animals have a new fast-sprint movement for a few seconds after shaking off wolf bite, to open up some distance.
  • Ungulate calves and fawns can run in tighter circles, and mothers can run in somewhat tighter circles.
  • Adjusted wolf attack speed: No longer a fixed high speed, but adjusts based on target's speed.
  • Wolf stamina drains much more slowly.
  • Wolf uses special gait when running up steep slopes.
  • Scent View now renders sky and fog instead of dark gray background color.
  • Grayscale exposure adjusted for better contrast with scents.
  • Greatly improved scent view exposure at various times of day and night, to make scents more visible.
  • Wolf pack territory colors on World Map adjusted for colorblindness.
  • World Map has darker tint when pack territories are displayed, for better visibility of low-strength hexes.
  • Scent posts are now only visible up to 250m away.
    Adjustments to rim lighting on wolf coats, so they should look more natural at night.
  • Many small improvements to sky lighting, stardome, atmospheric fog, and clouds, especially at night.
  • Adjusted nighttime appearance of rocks at Amethyst waterfalls.
    Changed floating scent icon for all carcasses to better differentiate it from scent post icon.
  • Modified terrain setup to eliminate lag spikes when loading terrain chunks.
  • Tweaks to snow dust particles generated by wolf movement.
  • Reduced wolf's stamina drain rate substantially (due to faster elk speeds).
  • Adjusted wolf howl volume at mid-distance.
  • Stranger wolves can no longer attack player-wolf when latter is sliding down a steep slope.
  • Adjusted some fight variables so competitors will take longer to flee during a carcass confrontation.
  • Reduced volume of wolf snarls a bit.
  • Bull moose are less aggressive at medium distance.
  • Added restriction so no more than two stranger wolves can bite player wolf simultaneously.
  • Adjusted Scentview/Headcam rotation sensitivity to better match third-person
  • camera orbit sensitivity.
  • Fossil forest objects are now walkable.
  • Some new cougar sounds.
  • Adjusted volume discrepancies during heavy rain and storm.


  • Main Menu: In wolf bio, 'AE' is blocked by badwords list.
  • Ravens often don't appear at carcasses.
  • Mate bounces up and down on carcass.
  • Ungulate mothers sometime stand idle instead of defending calf under attack.
  • Floppy can escape from her quarters.
  • Wolf forelegs float in air when standing up from some lying down poses.
  • Wolf body is not aligned with ground when sleeping on slope.
  • Various glitches when walking on rocks.Camera clips into mate and stranger
  • wolves.
  • Player-wolf can get stuck on rocks and trees if being force-walked back from map border.
  • Elk occasionally freeze up for some seconds.
  • Mate very occasionally teleports far, far away from player.
  • Wolf clips into ground in front of strip mall in Lost River.
  • Health readout for Cow Elk Carcass says Elk Cow Carcass. (Why? We use that naming scheme for all animals so they stay organized alphabetically.)
  • No elk herd at end of scent trail.
  • Stranger scent posts can appear beyond the map border.
  • Sometimes ground scents are very very faint in Fantastic and Glorious graphics levels.
  • Player-wolf looks straight down during emotes when standing over carcass or meat chunk.
  • Scent readout can get stuck with same age for long stretches of time.
  • Overwrite Save popup gets stuck onscreen.
  • Damage readouts appear over animal that camera is locked onto, even if player-wolf is biting a different animal.
  • Mule deer fawn has wrong body glow color in scent view.
  • In certain quality settings, sometimes a dark shape or smear appears near the sun.
  • Fight/Flee meter on some competitors can get glitched, with the Flee meter rapidly rising and falling.
  • Radio collar clips into wolf sometimes when lying down or walking or stalking.
  • Sky is visible through hole in back of wolf's mouth.
  • Cougar struggle animation doesn't loop well.
  • Occasionally a duplicate wolf appears during courtship (duplicate of a dispersal).
  • Wolf head looks down or vibrates when doing emotes while standing on carcass.
  • Elk tongue sticks out of snout slightly when running.
  • Delay in deleting game file when sleeping.
  • Lost River: Floating scentprints over a warehouse.
  • Lost River: Mate can get stuck when crossing the bridge.
  • Lost River: Missing collider by Hank's Ditch storm drain (allowed player to go underground, then get stuck).
  • Lost River: Dispersal wolves can go inside grocery store.
  • Lost River: NPC animals can walk on air around the tunnel entrance.
  • Lost River: Alley next to grocery store is too narrow to navigate properly.
  • Terrain texture and bumpiness issues.
  • On MacOS, on some Intel integrated graphics cards, distant trees are pixellated.
Wolfquest: anniversary edition cracked


Patch 1.0.3j (6/2/20)


  • Large granite boulders in Amethyst now appear at all quality levels/modes (previously only appeared in Enhanced Sky & Vegetation mode). Boulders have proper colliders now so you can't stick your head inside sometimes, and they are walkable! They also appear at longer distances, instead of popping into view at mid-distance.
  • Improvements to wolf movement on steep rock faces.
  • Improved organization of Game Help panels.
  • Optimized performance when snow accumulates on animals.
  • Moderate reduction in mule deer and moose frequency.
  • Additional text in first mission dialog.
  • Refinement to wolf head-turning.


  • NPC animals sometimes decide to climb trees, unsuccessfully.
  • Camera snaps back a bit after the wolf jumps off a rock or ledge.
  • In Wolf Customization, the main theme continues to play instead of the customization music.
  • One dead log on ground sometimes looks very wet, when it shouldn't.
  • Sky sometimes shows through dream images.
  • In Lost River, bridge does not block raindrops.
  • Doe mule deer carcass is (still) masquerading as moose in scent view.
  • Courtship panel sometimes appears when dispersal wolf is engaged in a fight, showing wrong wolf info.
  • Selection-dragging text in save game input field causes errors.
  • If your wolf is on a boulder when you save the game, your wolf may be stuck inside the rock when loading that save.
  • Various terrain tweaks and smoothing.


Patch 1.0.3i (5/22/2020)


  • Controls remapping: You can now remap mouse buttons to keyboard inputs and vice versa.
  • In Graphics Quality, new option for Grass and Bush Variety: Low will be a bit faster.
  • Some physics optimizations, which should improve performance if limited by CPU power (sometimes occurs when many animals are active in the game world, though most players are usually limited by GPU power) and possibly reduce some lag spikes.
  • In the Quest panel, player's current quest is automatically displayed (instead of first quest in the list).
  • Reduced odds of wolf carcass spawning.
  • Slightly reduced odds of coyotes and mule deer spawning.
  • Refinements in NPC animal turning movement.


  • During winter season, after sleeping and dreaming at end of December, terrain is bare ground instead of covered with snow.
  • Some areas of snow during Winter Season have obvious tiling patterns or are too dark or contrasty.
  • Wolf can get stuck hovering in the air along rock face.
  • Wolf sometimes climbs weirdly up a rock and then leaps off.
  • Elk Hunt notification can appears when biting other prey and interrupt the action.
  • Doe mule deer carcass is masquerading as moose in scent view.
  • A dead log has orange rim glow.
  • Scent View Tutorial Tip blocks input and scent controls while displayed.
  • Typo on one dispersal wolf: Cinnebar instead of Cinnabar
  • Animals occasionally will teleport when touching other animals.
  • Visual glitches with dreams.
  • Water splash audio sometimes stops when you zoom out and then back in again.
  • In Lost River, fire tower and porch roofs do a poor job of blocking raindrops.
  • Cow elk sometimes freezes when player bites calf.


PATCH 1.0.3h (5/9/2020)


  • New music track, a fingerstyle guitar version of the old High Hunt theme; plays when hunting mule deer and moose at night.
  • Reduced amount of RAM memory used by the game. Should allow the game to run more reliably on computers with less RAM.
  • Mates will come closer to player-wolf when sleeping (that distance is still affected by personality).
  • Small alert appears now if you unlock the cursor (to allow free cursor movement independeng of wolf controls) -- we suspect that some players do this inadvertently (by tapping the comma key) and then are confused when the wolf controls do not work properly.


  • Player-wolf sometimes jumps on slopes that are not steep enough to warrant a jump. * Cougar swims underwater.
  • Fresh carcasses turn gory a bit too quickly when predators start eating them.
  • Amethyst snow cover is inconsistent between near and far areas during Fall season.
  • Amethyst: Gap in one area of mountain slope on Basic graphics mode.
  • Amethyst: Can get stuck at edge of map north of Lamar River.
  • In Wolf Customization, neck ruff slider resets each time you open the panel.
  • Buck mule deer lose their antlers upon dying.
  • Cougar chases player-wolf farther than it really should.
  • Sometimes a lot of coyotes converge on carcasses.
  • Typo in Cinnabar pack name.
  • In rare situations, things go awry when loading an autosave, trying to place animals far away from the terrain, causing bad performance and game crash.
  • If audio volume is set to zero, some audio still plays when starting a game.
  • Lost River: Various rock and collider issues.
  • Thin white border on some dream images.


PATCH 1.0.3f (3/26/2020)


* Main menu: Added popup window to display recent patch notes.
* Wolf Customization: Improvements to controller support.
* Wolf Bio: Can add line brakes now with Return/Enter key.
* Modest reduction in frequency of mule deer spawning.
* Refinements to snow effect on Amethyst cliff rocks.
* Removed a few unnecessary words from badwords list.


* Ravens don't flock to carcasses.
* Mule deer fawn entirely underwater when swimming.
* Eagles are not quick enough to fly away when wolf approaches.
* Bite points on wolf rear legs not quite aligned correctly.
* Error that can prevent WQ game launcher (non-Steam version) from working properly.


* Cliff rocks have no snow in wintertime.
* On World Map during winter, map is tinted dark when Pack Territories are displayed, but does not untint when those are toggled off.


* Floppy is not observing StayHome directives.
* Various issues with object colliders, getting stuck on stairs, etc.
* Dave's Bowl sign shines through rain, snow, and fog.
* Elk scent tracks enter grocery store.
* On MacOS, some logs near beaver dam are missing textures.


PATCH 1.0.3e (3/20/2020)


* Minor refinements to grizzly and fox behaviors and vocalizations.
* Added button for WolfQuest merchandise store on main menu.
* Enabled controller bumper buttons when selecting wolves in My Wolves screen.
* Visual cues for controller usage in main menu wolf customization.


* Wolf sometimes does crouch animation when it bites galloping prey.
* Territory hex readouts are incorrect (inverted) -- we disabled those until we fixed this bug, so they are displayed again.
* Camera can go underground if you swing it around very quickly.
* Aspen and cottonwood trees are blotchy when viewed at a distance.


* In the fall season, animal snowprints are too bright at night.
* Lower section of Chalcedony creek has bright blue texture in winter.
* Winter objects (frozen waterfalls and creeks) don't appear on Mac computers.


* The much smaller map for Lost River has created a variety of issues. One was that stranger packs had to venture out of their tiny territories to find elk herds, which was confusing since it was mostly unrealistic and differed from behavior in Amethyst Mountain. In this patch, we've adjusted those territories and given each pack an elk herd in its territory. Now they should be more likely to stay and hunt in their territory, but they may still occasionally venture out into the unclaimed central area to hunt. (These changes will only take effect in new games).
* This patch has a few more tweaks to object colliders, but there are still some problems, especially on the narrow steps of the fire tower and gas tanks. It's tricky because the wolf-controller wasn't designed for these narrow spaces. To solve this, and similar issues with the rugged rocky outcrops in Slough Creek, we're reworking some aspects of the controller to handle them better. It's a significant task and will take some time to get it working well.


* Various issues with music.
* Prey animals can escape by going farther towards the edge of the map than wolves can. (Now they will turn back before the wolf has to.)
* Mate bounces like a superball when player is in fire tower or atop gas tanks. (Mate still won't go up those ladders--they're afraid of heights.)
* Mate flickers on and off when player is in northeast area of map.
* NPC animals can go underneath the elevated plaza in front of City Hall.
* Some strange clumps of trees here and there.
* Can get stuck if you venture close to the dam.
* Rain falls through roofs.
* Various collider issues.

PATCH 1.0.3d (3/17/2020)


* We're working on various glitches with object surfaces and colliders. It's tricky because the wolf-controller wasn't designed for the intricate objects and ladders of Lost River. We had it working pretty well, but players are of course much more industrious and random with their actions than we had seen in beta testing. We've made some changes which should prevent getting truly stuck, but which will increase the chance of goofy vertical-climbing wolves, and are now working on some improvements for that, but they won't be ready for a few days.
* Reduced the number of wolves in stranger packs (will only take effect in new games).


* The World Map goes in incorrect direction when you click-drag it.
* Rain and snow sound effects begin before rain and snow are visible.
* There can be a delay after killing elk to getting credit in the Quest panel.
* Note: Territory hex readouts broke at some point (inverted the percentage) so we are hiding them until that's fixed.


* Various issues with music.
* NPC animals are sometimes oblivious to the presence of water in the beaver pond and reservoir.
* Some animals are too speedy in water.
* Animals are sometimes underground.
* Lost River stranger pack can get wiped off the face of the map.
* The Two Step waterfall and creek audio is not tied into Audio Settings (and volume for those sound effects is too loud).
* Can get stuck in far northwest corner of map, between border and steep hillside.
* Profusion of floating scent markers coming from far northwest beyond the map.
* Coyote snowprints are huge.


* Gap in cliff rocks on Basic graphics mode.
* Small crack in terrain, just north of Lamar River.

WolfQuest 1.0.3 (3/13/2020)

NEW: Winter season in Amethyst!

* Winter season begins on or soon after December 1st in game calendar. If you load a saved game that's after that date, it will be in Winter. The game world is blanketed in snow, about a meter deep in the highlands and half that in the valley. Creeks and waterfalls are frozen, but the Lamar River remains open.
* Elk migrate down into the Lamar Valley in November and early December. You may notice them slowly wander that way as they graze. If you load a previously-saved game that is past December 1st, they will begin their migration then.
* Grizzly bears have gone into hibernation, so they won't challenge you over carcasses.
* Bull moose will lose their antlers in early January. (Bull elk and buck mule deer don't lose their antlers until later in the winter.)
* Many birds have migrated south, so the forests are quieter.

NEW: Lost River (Classic) game map!

* This is the map from WQ 2.7, with a few upgrades, but mostly has the same low-quality models and textures as the 2.7 version, combined with all the new WQ:AE game systems (unting, courtship, competitor fights, dynamic time and weather, etc.)
* We are calling this 'Classic' because it used the small (2x2km) map from the old game. Later this year we will create a new version of Lost River that matches the size, scope, and quality of the Amethyst and Slough Creek maps in WQ:AE. This will be DLC, available as an additional purchase.

IMPROVED: Optimizations:

* Improvements to game logic (uses CPU) when many animals are spawned (usually after playing for quite awhile).
* Improvements to graphics performance (uses GPU), including:
- Better performance on Basic Sky & Vegetation mode, especially if both Ambient Occlusion and Anti-Aliasing are disabled.
- Faster versions of cliff rocks on lower quality levels (with new 'Other Objects' pulldown in Game Settings: Graphics panel)
- Note: Scent View still has substantial slowdown on low-end hardware, still investigating that.

REVISED: Territory marking:
* We have revised aspects of the territory and marking system, but these are mostly disabled in Amethyst, since players cannot claim territory there. They should not affect gameplay significantly.
* Territory hexes show strength of territory claim on mouseover.


* Reduced maximum number of grizzlies at a carcass.
* Adjust elk health levels so some are more likely to have mid-level health.


* Visible crack between terrain tiles in valley floor.
* Some issues with shadows (e.g. some shadows were not continuous, but broken lines)
* In Basic Sky & Vegetation mode, rivers are fully visible through fog.
* Splash effects are broken on lower Chalcedony waterfall.
* Snowshoe hares do not change to white coat in winter.
* Rain can occur in winter months.
* Can start to urinate while running.
* NPC animals occasionally can get stuck on trees.


* The World Map moves in wrong direction when you click-drag it. Will be fixed in next patch.
* On certain computers (Mac using Intel integrated graphics, certain old Windows dedicated GPUs) in Amethyst: Basic Sky & Veg mode, distant trees are sometimes multicolored, and sky may have similar discoloration. This seems to be a Unity game tool bug but we are still investigating.
* On very old (2012-2014) AMD GPUs, terrain may have white patches. Try upgrading your graphics drivers and submit a bug report if that helps. If it doesn't, please test different Terrain Quality settings and submit detailed bug reports about the results of your tests.

Patch 1.0.2c (2/17/2020)


  • In Basic Sky & Veg mode, rivers and ponds do not respect atmospheric fog. Will be fixed in next patch.
  • On certain computers (Mac using Intel integrated graphics, certain old Windows dedicated GPUs) in Basic Sky & Veg mode, distant trees are sometimes multicolored, and sky may have similar discoloration. This seems to be a Unity game tool bug but we are still investigating.
  • On very old (2012-2014) AMD GPUs, terrain may have white patches. Try upgrading your graphics drivers and submit a bug report if that helps. If it doesn't, please test different Terrain Quality settings and submit detailed bug reports about the results of your tests.


  • At end of trial period, a new option 'Extend Trial' lets players postpone that decision for ten minutes.
  • Grizzlies and cougar will stop chasing player-wolf sooner (chase duration varies depending on their grumpiness, from 1 to 12 seconds now).
  • Reduced the maximum number of competitors that will congregate at carcasses.
  • Improved NPC animal behaviors around water.
  • Mate will mark territory if you mark it.
  • Keyboard and Controller Remapping panel is now cleaned up and organized by type of function!
  • Using Controller on onscreen keyboard, pressing Left or Right Stick will switch between lowercase and uppercase.
  • Somewhat reduced the number of eagles that are typically spawned at any given time.
  • Mule deer become tired and slow down sooner when fleeing wolves during a chase.
  • Removed bite-points on fox (wolf can't bend down that low to bite them realistically).
  • Mate Permadeath setting is saved to player preferences on that computer, and used when starting a new game (instead of always defaulting to Off).
  • Added 120 and 144 FPS options in Game Settings: Gameplay: FPS setting.
    FPS Readout now obeys show/hide HUD setting.
  • Tweaks to Douglas-Fir trees.
  • HUD automatically reappears if you hide HUD while in Photo Mode.
  • Improved feedback when game is unable to save to computer, due to computer firewall or anti-malware settings.
  • Removed clouds of flies at random locations (was realistic but confusing).
  • Grizzlies have larger teeth, the better to bite you with.


  • NPC animals can fly.
  • Some carcasses are exploded. (Probably fixed, but we can't reproduce it, and a bit puzzled why it started happening after last fix.)
  • Some missing terrain chunks at certain settings and locations.
  • Mate and NPC wolves sometimes run in circles endlessly when near water.
  • Dead coyote's legs are bent in unnatural ways.
  • Wolf howl volume doesn't diminish properly at mid-distance.
  • Clouds/weather change too rapidly.
  • On mule deer corpse, ribs poke through skin before anyone starts eating it.
  • Can't eat a meat chunk that's been placed next to a boulder.
  • Scent prints appear under water.
  • In Customization: Howls, wolf does not do howl animation if No Fur is selected in Graphics Quality settings.
  • In Enhanced Graphics mode, there are some invisible tree-colliders in upper area of the Burn.
  • On large fossilized tree in Fossil Forest, the collider is too big and high above the object.
  • Cougar swims under water, not at surface.
  • Removed some words from the badwords list for wolf names.
  • With controller, can't back out of Customization: Coats panel.
  • Corrupted wolf file (missing all data) breaks the game.
  • A cliff rock went AWOL.


Patch 1.0.2b (1/21/20)


  • On certain computers (Mac using Intel integrated graphics, certain old Windows dedicated GPUs) in Basic Sky & Veg mode, distant trees are sometimes multicolored, and sky may have similar discoloration. This seems to be a Unity game tool bug but we are still investigating.
  • On very old (2012-2014) AMD GPUs, terrain may have white patches. Try upgrading your graphics drivers and submit a bug report if that helps. If it doesn't, please test different Terrain Quality settings and submit bug reports.


  • New animal AI behaviors around water:
    • Animals won't do things in water that they shouldn't (e.g. graze, fight, attack)
    • animals will seek out the bank if they decide to do something that they can't do in the water
    • birds will fly over water and land on shore
    • prospective mates will follow player if player is in shallow water, and will follow the player across the river
    • animals will avoid going into water unless necessary to reach their intended destination.


  • Buck mule deer and bull elk sometimes run backwards after fighting.
  • On some computers, some animal models and carcasses are exploded/distorted.
  • Animals sometimes take flight.
  • World map is broken if your wolf is killed before you open the map in a game session.
  • Some issues with remapping controls. (If you have trouble, try resetting them.)
  • Minor issues with NPC pathfinding in cliff slopes.
  • Better controller support in Wolf Customization (bumpers to navigate tabs, right stick to rotate wolf, clearer navigation in customization panel). Note that this requires resetting custom remapping of joystick to default settings.
  • Biting fox's rear legs pushes wolf underground.
  • On Basic Sky & Veg mode, fossil forest objects aren't affected by fog.
  • On Basic Sky & Veg mode, there's an obvious hole in the distant terrain when in upper Chalcedony area.
  • NPC animals can get stuck on some trees, especially in the Burn area and old certain old dead trees.
  • Birds fly very very slowly.
  • Occasionally there are too many grizzlies at a carcass.
  • Large grass monoliths rise above terrain near Chalcedony Creek. (But no Strauss music plays.)
  • Can get stuck when jumping into a boulder.
  • Ravens are missing part of underside of wing when seen at close range.
  • Eagles have small holes in underside of wings when seen at medium range.
  • Camera is too jittery on rough ground.
  • Patches of shiny ground in valley floor on Medium Terrain Quality.
  • Way too many wolf carcasses spawn in cliff area.
  • Possibly fixed: On rare occasions, the terrain does not load underneath your wolf, breaking the game.
  • In scent view, if you stand idle for some time, your wolf sits down and you have to trot or run before the camera controls work again.
  • Minor animation glitches at end of growl and bark emotes.
  • Occasionally elk calf doesn't run back to join herd after being attacked.
  • Occasionally a prospective mate is frozen.
  • In rare situations, if you reach the border and are forced to turn around, you are walked into a tree and get stuck.


Patch 1.0.2a (1/15/20)


  • Added toggle to Invert Head Camera Y Axis, for better customization of controls in Scent View.
  • In Remapping panel, changed 'Run' to 'Run Toggle' for clarity. (This is a different input than Sprint.)


  • Fog and atmospheric perspective were broken in Basic Sky mode for several months. Fixed now, big visual improvement.
  • Coyote doesn't play some animations correctly.
  • Various issues with getting stuck when Emotes panel overlays another popup window.
  • Can get stuck on Save Game panel if you die while trying to do an emote.
  • Controller inputs are active when remapping inputs.
  • Controller, can't set right stick to both lock and unlock the camera target.
  • Various issues with onscreen keyboard.
  • In Game Settings: Graphics panel, sometimes the FPS readout is stuck at 2fps.
  • Can't use Controller to open Emotes, then mouse to select an emote.
  • If you lock onto another wolf with the targeting arrow, choosing an emote deselects it.
  • Bull elk legs are rather shiny.
  • Cottonwood trees are missing colliders in Basic Sky & Vegetation mode.


  • On some computers, elk carcass (and some other animals?) explode when you are nearby. (Still trying to reproduce this; please submit ved very detailed bug reports)
  • Animal behaviors in water are non-optimal. (Nw water-specific AI coming soon.)
  • Wolf can get stuck sometimes when jumping into boulders. (Fix coming soon.)
  • Bull elk and buck mule deer sometimes run backwards after fighting. (Will hopefully be fixed in next patch.)
  • On Macs using Intel integrated graphics on Basic graphics mode, distant trees are sometimes multicolored, and sky may have similar discoloration.


Game Update 1.0.2 (1/10/20)


  • Redesigned pathfinding and obstacle avoidance systems for NPC animals. Eliminate bugs with animals that can't find a way out of a spot, and mates that do nothing near cliffs for fear of going over the edge.
  • Full controller support for Xbox and DS4 (Playstation) Controller (see details below).
  • Revised the cliff rocks with new shader for better realism and dynamic snow.
  • Main camera view adjusted so player-wolf is lower on screen, showing more of landscape ahead.
  • Mate may stalk if player stalks, when hunting. (Bold mates are less likely to do this.)
  • Mates, especially if cautious, will not charge into the hunt as eagerly without being prompted by the player, unless the player takes too long.
  • Reduced mule deer maximum speed a bit.
  • Reduced aggressiveness of bull elk and moose a bit.
  • Reduced spawning frequency of grizzly bears.
  • Golden eagles sometimes feed on carcasses now.
  • Mate is sometimes too selfish about hunting hares.
  • Fish dropped by eagles now function like other meat chunks: carryable and with food value. Will emit floating scents if few other floating scents around (due to performance constraints). Will not glow in scent view yet, that'll be added soon.
  • If you activate Photo Mode (Shift-P) while bite-holding an animal, bite-hold will continue if you use right-arrow key to step forward in time.
  • Adjusted camera angle when zoomed out behind wolf, to show more of terrain ahead.
  • Meat chunks will emit floating scents now (but may not if there are a lot of other floating scents around, due to performance constraints).
  • Odds of wind direction evened out some. (A bit less accurate to Yellowstone weather patterns, but helpful for finding floating scents.)
  • Refinements to the lighting intensity and effects, especially at dawn/dusk and nighttime, with and without moonlight.
  • Removed white haze in sky when rain/storm clears.
  • Revised the cliff rocks with new shader for better realism and dynamic snow.
  • Tweaked grizzly bear run-animation speed.
  • Improved general appearance of snow on ground.
    In Glorious quality level, grass and shadow distance is increased, for better visuals and slightly worse performance.
  • Many tweaks to terrain ground textures.
  • Added Bug Report to Options menu.


  • Sometimes prey run too slowly when you are chasing them.
  • Various glitches when waking from sleep.
  • Rare issue with saving mate after completing trial mission.
  • Some distant trees have bluish trunks.
  • Wolf footfall audio stops playing if you zoom out and then back in.
  • Cottonwood and aspen tree leaves look bad in certain lighting angles.
  • Rear legs on coyote corpse are unnaturally bent.
  • In bug reporter, the priority options are out of order.
  • Guitar-emote music during courtship doesn't play.
  • Can get stuck on rocks or trees when sliding down steep slope.
  • Can skate on pond surface if you jump onto pond from land.
  • Duplicate bull herds.
  • Too many bulls in one place (won't be fixed in previous saves)
  • Clouds evolve shape too quickly.
  • Snow on gnarly white bark pine is too extensive.
  • Problems with invert camera toggles.
  • Pink mule deer carcass.
  • Placement problems with snow on grizzlies.
  • Wolf skull in Fossil Forest is too small.
  • Areas where you can get stuck in cliff rocks.
  • Mismatched coat texture on one dispersal wolf in Courtship popup.
  • When playing on Fastest quality, eagle wings have holes.
  • Some nature sounds don't respect audio slider settings.
  • Shadows are too jiggly sometimes.
  • Typo in loading screen text.
WolfQuest: Anniversary Edition Crack


  • We have implemented full controller support for Xbox and DS4 (Playstation) controllers. The game should automatically recognize those two controllers, though we have seem some issues with non-Sony DS4 controllers, and we're working on that.
  • Tutorial Tips and Game Help show controller glyphs if controller is plugged in and active (in Game Settings: Controls).
  • Controller remapping works, and your settings will appear in Tutorial Tips and Game Help.


  • Animal behaviors in water are non-optimal. (Nw water-specific AI coming in next patch.)
  • Wolf can get stuck sometimes when jumping into boulders. (Will be fixed in next patch.)
  • Bull elk and buck mule deer sometimes run backwards after fighting. (Will hopefully be fixed in next patch.)
  • On Macs using Intel integrated graphics on Basic graphics mode, distant trees are sometimes multicolored.
  • Some non-Sony DS4 controllers are not recognized, we're working on it!
  • Screen sometimes goes black (if reporting this, we encourage you to include email so we can follow-up).
  • Screen sometimes turns to neon colors (only happens on old AMD cards, try updating drivers, not something we can fix.)


Patch 1.0.1a (11/01/19)


  • Mates hunt snowshoe hares.
  • Aspen trees (replacing the placeholder model).
  • Aurora borealis (northern lights) appear occasionally at night.


  • Reduced damage dealt by all mule deer.
  • Reduced mule deer fawn's max health by 25%.
  • Refinements to fox swimming action.
  • Tweak to Grizzly Boar fur length.


  • Free camera (right-click to orbit) doesn't work.
  • Tree trunks sway out of sync with branches.
  • Wolf walks funny after loading a saved game where it was on uneven or sloped ground. (IK)
  • Wolf forelegs bend oddly during some bite attacks (fixed some cases, not all yet). (IK)
  • Wolf forelegs sometimes angled back stiffly when biting another wolf's neck. (IK)
  • Wolf sometimes does handstand on carcass. (IK)
  • Sunlight shadow direction is incorrect in early morning and late afternoon.
  • Sometimes there’s an abrupt change in light direction a little while after sunrise.
  • Eagles dip underground when landing.
  • Sometimes you can't bite the cougar.
  • Carcasses sink into ground twice before disappearing.
  • Wolf can get stuck running along the border north of the Lamar River.
  • Reduced microstutter when elk herds despawn.
  • Bumpy terrain in a few places.
  • In some spots, distant terrain is missing in Basic graphics mode.


Game Update 1.0.1 (10/25/19)

We’re excited to release this update, which has a bunch of bugfixes and minor improvements, plus some bigger and more exciting new features that give the NPC residents of our WolfQuest world more to do: from hunting to fighting to just hanging out. It’s available now and should auto-update via Steam or the WolfQuest launcher.


  • Stranger wolves (dispersals and pack wolves) hunt prey.
  • Bull elk rut: Bull elk challenge the resident bull in a large herd to a fight, involving a lot of bugling, circling, and clash of antlers.
  • Buck mule deer rut: Buck mule deer will converge near small doe herds and challenge each other to a fight, involving a lot of circling, eyeing each other, and antler clashes. Since mule deer don't live in herds as elk do, this is harder to witness. Try following mule deer scents and hope to find a situation where two males have converged on a family group of does and fawns.
  • Eagles are present throughout the game world: flying around, perching on dead trees, and hunting. Bald eagles hunt fish in the Lamar River while
  • Golden eagles (new species!) hunt snowshoe hares.
  • Ravens are present throughout the game world.
  • Coyotes hunt snowshoe hares.
  • Foxes hunt small prey.

WATCH THE VIDEO: NPCs Do the Darndest Things


  • Custom markers on the World Map now appear on the Compass (faded with distance).
  • Added a third Gore level, now No Gore (carcasses do not turn bloody), Low Gore (carcasses turn bloody), and More Gore (carcasses turn bloody and skeleton and innards revealed during consumption.) The original intent was for Low Gore to be as described here, but it inadvertently switched to what we're now calling No Gore. We've renamed 'Low' to 'No' so it preserves your previous visual effect, but you can change it to Low Gore if you want a bit of blood.
  • Carcasses have improved textures (fur only on the skin, not on the exposed innards).
  • Adjusted colliders on the rock at the top of Fairies' Falls. Should be possible to jump onto it, and should be quite hard to get stuck.
  • Player wolf will sometimes crouch when facing an opponent, preparing to attack.
  • Moon casts shadows at night.
  • Competitors should be less likely to get stuck running in circles near you.
  • Minor performance improvement when many elk are spawned in vicinity.
  • Controller support: Added a steering sensitivity slider for controllers. (Many more improvements for controllers still to come.)
  • Stranger territory audio now part of Interface Audio (so not muted if music is muted).
  • Animals use walking turn more now, don't do the spin-in-place turn except in urgent situations.
  • Bite cursor should be hidden in Photo Mode.
  • Removed 'mate' from badword filter for wolf bio.


  • Animals sometimes have snow on them when it hasn't been snowing.
  • Weird snow pattern on bears.
  • Sometimes grass density settings don't persist in later game sessions.
  • Unable to save your game or overwrite existing saved game (fixed a couple bugs; there may be others still)
  • Ravens gather at some distance from carcass.
  • When running in dual-monitor setup, with game on one screen in Fullscreen Windowed mode, game minimizes when you click on other screen.
  • Elk calves have Cow Elk label.
  • Fox fur looks bad.
  • On some computer systems, the mouse cursor has 'hand grab' icon instead of pointer.
  • In 'My Wolves' in main menu, sometimes one wolf is missing, and arrows are missing too so can't select another wolf.
  • Dispersal wolf is occasionally frozen.
  • The 'So Sleepy, Bug...' alert is missing text.
  • Grass sometimes bends quite excessively in the wind.
  • Improved lighting on trees when viewing towards sun.
  • Reduced acceleration and deceleration speeds for cougar, coyote and fox.
  • In Basic mode, some areas have grass when grass is disabled.
  • In Customization, fur pokes through radio collar if you change coats after choosing the collar
  • In Basic graphics mode, at some places in the game world, some distant terrain sections are missing.
  • Can get stuck on far side of Lamar River, stuck between two world-edge barriers.
  • Thin vertical lines appear around grass in Basic graphics mode
  • Controller: Fixed incorrect labels on Controller Help image (ack!)
  • Sometimes wolves don't growl or snarl during wolf fights
  • Various terrain tweaks.


Patch 1.0w (9/30/19)


  • Game crashes during launch on very old CPUs. (Fixed in August, somehow snuck back in, sorry!)
  • Sometimes wolf coats change during gameplay.
    Cougar carcass is white
  • Elk herd is occasionally frozen in place.
  • Mates sometimes go off the cliff. (Still possible if you try hard enough. Be kind.)
  • Some aspen trees (still placeholder) have black trunks at night.
  • Gnarly whitebark trees are floating in air when seen faraway in Basic graphics mode.
  • Sometimes animals kick up dirt particles instead of snow particles when on snow. (Fixed on Medium Quality terrain, may still happen on lower quality terrain settings, due to performance optimizations.)


  • Some splashes added where mountain creeks join Amethyst Creek.


Patch 1.0v (9/28/19)


  • Press the 'i' key on your keyboard to hide/show the game interface.
  • In Photo Mode, with tutorials off, the camera icon fades after two seconds (reappearing if you move the camera as a reminder).


  • Minor reduction in RAM memory usage.


  • Snow doesn't fade away on wolves sometimes. (But still some other issues with snow on animals, working on that.)
  • In Basic graphics mode, some trees are missing, especially in the Burn. (But some aspens are still missing, working on that.)
  • In Basic graphics mode, some missing sections of cliff area when viewed from a distance.
  • Some problem spots on the new cliffs.
  • Mate and other animals can fall through cliff rocks and become stuck inside.
  • Animals fall through invisible section of terrain in far northwest corner of map.


Hotfix patch 1.0u


  • Sometimes animals disappear when killed rather than remaining as carcass.
  • Some glitches when walking on rocky surfaces around Fairies' Fall.
  • Performance drops in certain areas when sun is low and near horizon.


Patch 1.0t (9/25/2019)


  • The cliff area has been reworked for better accuracy, and to eliminate problems with wolves sliding into spots that they can't get out of.
  • Added Fairies' Fall, a twin waterfall on lower Amethyst Creek.
  • Added two music tracks: the original 'Exploration' music and new fingerstyle version of that track.
  • Some visual improvements to the Low and Medium terrain quality options.
  • Added a 'Very Low' terrain quality option, for maximum performance.


  • Mission info added to Game Help panels.
  • Wolf moves more slowly when wading in water.
  • New mission popups now wait a few seconds to appear after completing previous mission.
  • Reduced size of Tutorial Tip for Photo Mode. (You can also hide it by turning off tutorial tips in Game Settings.)
  • Tweak to distant trees to reduce shininess when sun is behind them. (Foreground trees still have that, still working on that.)


  • Mate not eating a carcass if there's more prey nearby to hunt
  • Some animals do not disappear from the game when they should.
  • Carcass spawns underground (better fix than last patch).
  • Trees in Basic graphics mode are too bright when shadows are disabled.
  • Wolf bio text panel allows more text than can fit.
  • Sagebrush partially blocks view of wolf customization when grass density is at maximum.
  • Ambient Occlusion (in Game Graphics settings) isn't saved, resets each time.
  • Jumping does not incur energy cost.
  • If the mate falls off a cliff, it may respawn in air, falling and respawning ad infinitum.
  • Mate walks into player-wolf when latter is sleeping
  • Cannot growl with tail up.
  • Gnarly old whitebark pine trees are mostly black.
  • Physical emotes with mates only generating affinity/hearts in the first phase of courtship.
  • Bear cub runs too far from mother (better fix than last patch).
  • Various issues with saved games (not displaying, or deleted ones appear, or wrong wolf name displayed).
  • Various errors that cause problems.
  • Error when screenshot folder is open prevents saving the game.
  • Meat chunks don't decay (lose food value) over time.
  • Wolf or NPC animal walks in circles when standing on meat chunk and trying to eat it.
  • Snow on animals is inconsistent.
  • Minor visual improvements to aspen trees in Basic graphics mode. (All aspens are still placeholders.)


Patch 1.0s (9/12/2019)


  • Game can get stuck on the 'Crash Detected' screen.
  • Bold mates often leap off cliffs.
  • Hare and Meat Chunks move out of mouth when switching to Photo Mode while sprinting.
  • Grizzly Sow freezes sometimes.
  • Raven is missing feathers on underside of wings.

A downloadable game for Windows and macOS

We're remaking the game from the ground up! Bigger and better gameplay, huge new maps, more animals!

Currently the Early Access game features:

  • Episode 1: Amethyst Mountain: Learn to hunt and find a mate!
  • Multiplayer: Form a pack with friends and hunt, fight, and claim territory!
  • Lost River (Classic): Explore the mysterious map from WolfQuest 2.7!

We are deep in development for the next episode, Slough Creek, featuring pups! After releasing that, we will focus on mobile versions and the next episode, Tower Fall. Learn more in the game FAQS and devblog!

With your purchase of WolfQuest, you get both WolfQuest 2.7 Classic and WolfQuest 3: Anniversary Edition (early access)!


  • The Free Trial is for WQ 2.7, not for the new Anniversary Edition -- which has higher hardware requirements than WQ 2.7 had, so please check those specs before purchasing. (We do not currently have a free trial for WQ: Anniversary Edition.)
  • WQ: Anniversary Edition has significantly higher hardware requirements than the old game. Be sure to check them below before purchasing!

You are a two-year old gray wolf born in the Northern Range of Yellowstone National Park. You learned the ways of the wolf in your birth pack. Now it's time for you to learn how to live on your own, finding food, meeting other wolves, and searching for a mate. Ultimately, your goal is to find a home and build your own family.

Embark on a quest for survival

Your quest begins on the slopes of Amethyst Mountain and eventually takes you across the Lamar Valley to Slough Creek. There, you and your mate will establish a territory and raise a litter of pups: training them, feeding them, defending them against predators, and finally taking them on a cross-country journey to a summer home. Ultimately, your success will depend on your ability to ensure the survival of your pack.

Experience Yellowstone National Park

Explore WolfQuest's realistic recreation of the Northern Range of Yellowstone National Park — 'the Serengeti of North America' — where herds of elk and other ungulates roam the sagebrush steppe grasslands, alpine forests, and magnificent high ridges.

But watch out for packs of stranger wolves, who patrol their territories and don't look kindly on intruders. The wilderness brims with other dangers as well — grizzly bears, cougars, and coyotes — who all vie with you for territory and food.

Realistic Ecology and Gameplay (Anniversary Edition)

  • WolfQuest: Anniversary Edition raises the bar for realistic and accurate eco-simulation gameplay:
  • Herds of elk roam the land in realistic herds, along with moose, mule deer, and other prey.
  • Other wolf packs maintain and defend their territory against intruders -- like you.
  • Grizzlies, cougars, coyotes, and other predators challenge you over your kills -- and protect theirs.
  • Wolves communicate with each other using natural actions and vocalizations.
  • Dynamic (family-friendly) courtship interactions allow you to choose a suitable mate. Vast wilderness maps (nearly 50 square kilometers) depict Yellowstone's Northern Range.
  • Dynamic day/night, weather, and seasons immerse you in the wilderness.

Our science advisors include some of the top wolf biologists in the world today, who help us keep WolfQuest accurate to real wolf biology and behavior.

Play the game alone or with friends

In single-player games, learn how to hunt elk, communicate with other wolves, find a mate in Amethyst Mountain. (Amethyst Mountain is currently available in WolfQuest 3: Anniversary Edition early access and WolfQuest 2.7)

In Slough Creek, establish a den and territory, raise pups, and embark on a perilous journey to a summering site. (Slough Creek is currently only available in WolfQuest 2.7)
In multiplayer games (currently only available in WolfQuest 2.7) , explore the wilderness, hunt elk, and raise pups with your friends! There are two types of multiplayer games:

  • Private games: Invite-only, featuring voice, text, and phrase chat.
  • Public games: Anyone can join, phrase chat -- and now plus text chat for players age 13 and up!

Bonus Option: Soundtrack and Music Extras

For $5 more, get the WolfQuest Soundtrack and Music Extras, which include the complete game soundtrack, including 22 new tracks from Anniversary Edition, and a 25-minute video featuring game composer Tim Buzza talking about how he created the signature sound of WolfQuest and many memorable tracks in the game. Or buy it separately for $8.



  • Bronze MUSE Award, American Association of Museums
  • Education Award, Association of Zoos and Aquariums,
  • Editor's Choice Award, Children's Technology Review


WolfQuest Specs and Support

  • Check the Knowledge Base for full specs and gameplay descriptions.

WolfQuest: Anniversary Edition System Requirements



  • OS: Windows 7/8/10
  • 64-bit Processor: Intel Core i5 or equivalent
  • Memory: 6 GB RAM
  • Graphics: Intel Iris 630 Pro or similar (using 'Basic' mode in graphics settings)
  • DirectX: Version 11
  • Storage: 8 GB available space
  • Sound Card: DirectX compatible soundcard or onboard chipset


  • OS: Windows 7/8/10
  • 64-bitProcessor: Intel Core i5 or equivalent
  • Memory: 8 GB RAM
  • Graphics: Nvidia GTX 1060 or Radeon 580
  • DirectX: Version 11
  • Storage: 8 GB available space
  • Sound Card: DirectX compatible soundcard or onboard chipset


WolfQuest:Wolfquest 3 anniversary edition download


  • OS: MacOS 10.12 or newer
  • Processor: Intel Core i5 or equivalent
  • Memory: 6 GB RAM
  • Graphics: Radeon R7
  • Storage: 8 GB available space


  • OS: MacOS 10.12 or newer
  • Processor: Intel Core i5 or equivalent
  • Memory: 8 GB RAM
  • Graphics: Radeon 580
  • Storage: 8 GB available space

Internet Connection:

An active broadband Internet connection is required to download the game and game patches and updates. An Internet connection is not required to play in single player mode after the game launcher has downloaded and installed the game.

Wolfquest Anniversary Free

WolfQuest 2.7 System Requirements


  • Windows XP Service Pack 2 or higher (DirectX 9.0c or higher must be installed). DirectX 9 or higher GPU
  • 1024x768 screen resolution 2.0 GHz
  • Dual Core Pentium, i3, or higher processor
  • 2 GB available hard drive space
  • 4 GB RAM

Note: Netbooks with smaller screen dimensions must have the extended desktop enabled to install, and there may be performance problems. WolfQuest does not officially support 'netbook' grade notebook computers due to limited RAM, CPU, and graphics capabilities.

Minimum Graphics Card (for Fast Quality)
  • Intel 4000 integrated graphics or higher
  • NVIDIA 6800 Ultra
  • ATI HD 3670
Recommended Graphics Card (for Good Quality or Higher)
  • NVIDIA GeForce 640 series or later
  • AMD Radeon HD 6670


  • OSX 10.9 or higher
  • 64-bit processor (i5 or higher)
  • 1024 x 768 or higher screen resolution
  • 2 GB available hard drive space
  • 4 GB RAM Minimum
Graphics Card (for Fast Quality)
  • Intel 4000 integrated graphics or higher
Recommended Graphics Card (for Good Quality or Higher)
  • NVIDIA GeForce 640 series or later
  • AMD Radeon HD 6670

Note: As with all video games, more powerful graphics cards and CPUs allow higher screen resolutions and/or quality settings. Older video cards and drivers may exhibit rendering or performance issues, and slower CPUs may exhibit lower frame rates and performance issues.

Internet Connection

An active broadband Internet connection is required to:
  • Start or join multiplayer games.
  • Access your player account, including:
    • Earning Achievements
    • Sending and receiving messages
    • Viewing and making Friends and Packs

An Internet connection is not required to play in single player mode after the game launcher has downloaded and installed the game.


Tech Support

Having trouble installing or running the game? Please check the system requirements above to ensure that your computer meets or exceeds them. If so, then please see the WolfQuest Knowledge Base.

WolfQuest is also on Steam!

Your purchase here on itch.io includes a Steam key. The Steam version includes Steam achievements, trading cards, badges and more! If you prefer to buy the game on Steam, go to our Steam page. (But please note: We receive a smaller percentage of money from purchases on Steam compared to itch.io, so we always prefer that you purchase on itch.io, then claim a Steam key to get it there.) ______________________________________________________________


These versions are for Mac and Windows computers only!

Use the link below for iOS, Android, and Kindle versions. ______________________________________________________________


Please check the computer requirements above.

Wolfquest Anniversary Edition

  • WolfQuest: Anniversary Edition is a modern 3D game and requires a decent computer, preferably with a dedicated graphics card. Older computers with integrated graphics will not run the game well, if at all.
  • WolfQuest 2.7, the older version of the game, does run nicely on older computers. You get both versions with your purchase.

Get Wolfquest Anniversary Edition Free

The game does not run on ChromeBooks, sorry.

PlatformsWindows, macOS
TagsAnimals, ecology, hunting, Mountains, nature, pups, wildlife, wolf, yellowstone
Average sessionAbout a half-hour
InputsKeyboard, Mouse
MultiplayerServer-based networked multiplayer
LinksHelp & Support, Homepage, Community, Steam Greenlight

Wolfquest Anniversary Edition Free Mobile


In order to download this game you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $15 USD. Your purchase comes with a Steam key. You will get access to the following files:

if you pay $20 USD or more

Wolfquest 3 Anniversary Edition Download

Also available on

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