Samorost 2 Crack

The story of Samorost 2 is a simple one, starring a little fellow named...I just realized I have no idea what his name is. I've been calling him 'Samorost,' but the game doesn't ever actually state this: there is no text or dialogue besides the occasional 'HNNNNNNGGGRRRKKK' from the wildlife or the weird semi-comprehensible mutterings from the hero when you try to click on something the game doesn't want you to click on yet. This was a bit of a downer at first, since I personally tend to think of the adventure genre as the one type of game in which the dialogue is something I look forward to rather than something which makes me want to take an electric drill to my eardrums.

That's not to say that the minimalist approach in Samorost 2 is a bad thing; heck, it might even be a blessing, considering that the writing in the last Eastern European game I played was centered around the use of domestic abuse as comic relief. What Samorost 2 lacks in riveting storytelling, it makes up for with a combination of surreal visuals and a nice electronic/jazz/new age/klezmer/I-am-bad-at-identifying-musical-genres soundtrack. You'll guide the little hooded hero through a strange world which combines whimsical characters and grungy environments into something that I can only describe as Jim Henson's Fallout 3.

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The visuals and soundtrack are really the main draw, since Samorost 2 isn't exactly heavy fare as far as adventure games go. Inventory? Lists of actions? Branching dialogue choices? Nope. The game mostly progresses in a 'room by room' manner without any free wandering. Each 'room' is its own self-contained puzzle, and unlike other games in the genre, you won't be performing advanced techniques like duct-taping a filing cabinet to the severed head of a giraffe in order to produce a new puzzle-solving implement. Instead, it usually comes down to figuring out what is clickable, what happens when you click it, and then what order you need to click all the clickables in.

It's not always obvious what you need to do or what exactly you're doing until you've finished doing it, and there are a few areas where the wacky art works against the game: all the organic grittiness starts to blend together, and it's hard to tell whether something is a significant object or just part of the background. I wasted a great deal of time on one particular screen before I accidentally clicked on the mountain in the background and realized 'Oh. I can go up there.' The easily frustrated will be pleased to know that this doesn't happen too often...mainly because the game is beatable in a single short sitting.

Samorost2, as the name indicates, is the sequel to Samorost. It stars the same little simply attired man from the original title. As the game opens, we see a strange spacecraft approaching the protagonist's home. We then cut to a close-up of the protagonist's house and yard, where we see a dog (which obviously belongs to the protagonist) bark frantically at the approaching ship before fleeing into his doghouse. The ship lands at the edge of the yard, and a blue-skinned, bug-eyed creature cautiously steps out of the craft. After determining that the coast is clear, the creature and its companion walk over to a small grove of trees and start plucking fruit from them.

The introduction pauses here, but clicking on a certain item makes it continue. When the correct hotspot is clicked on, the protagonist's dog charges the invaders, barking madly. Rather than run away, however, the creatures throw the dog into a sack and start making their way back to their ship. The noise made by the dog attracts the protagonist's attention. He looks out the window just in time to see the creatures getting into their ship and taking off. He immediately takes off in his own ship and follows the creatures back to their own world: an enormous, organo-mechanical fortress. Once there, he is faced with the problem of how to get inside the fortress and rescue his dog.

The sequel shares the same surreal design as its predecessor. In fact, both games are so unique that is difficult to describe them satisfactorily. The graphics are a combination of simple cartoons and photorealistic objects that mesh together remarkably well. Every scene has its own unique flora and fauna - gigantic pill bugs; tall, segmented, bare trees with branches jutting out at 90° angles; creatures that look like a cross between an anteater, a rabbit, and a monkey; and even slender, luminescent mushrooms.

The game's backgrounds often combine organic with inorganic elements, sometimes to the point where it is difficult to tell what is natural and what is not. This is especially true when it comes to the various worlds of Samorost (which the game is named after) that are bizarrely shaped structures seemingly floating in a starry void. Some of them vaguely resemble planetoids, while another is reminiscent of a space station. There is even a world that looks almost like a gigantic living creature.

The game's interface is about as simple as an adventure game's interface can get: there is only a single cursor, which changes shape when it is over a clickable object. Clicking on an object may push it, turn it, open it, move it, pick it up, or make the protagonist interact with it in some way. The way you interact with the game is interesting as well: at times it seems as if you have taken on the role of the protagonist and are controlling his movements, but at other times it is as if you are looking into a living diorama, manipulating parts of it for the protagonist. There are also some elements of certain scenes that cannot be clicked on but react when your cursor moves over them: slender grasses unfurl and umbrella shaped flowers shut themselves.

The structure of many of the puzzles draws much parallel to the puzzles in Coktel Vision's Gobliiins series, in that you have to try interacting with various elements of the scene to observe what happens and then perform a single or a series of actions in combination to solve a puzzle. For example, in a scene from early in the game, you need to pump water through a pipe, but there are a couple of creatures sitting on the pipe, the larger of which is sucking the water out of a hole in the pipe. Clicking on the smaller creature makes it fall off the pipe, causing the larger creature to stop drinking, pause, then lift the smaller creature back up onto the pipe. If you manage to plug the hole immediately after clicking on the smaller creature, you will have succeeded.

There is hardly any text or dialog in the game, thus avoiding any issue that may arise from different language localizations. With few exceptions, the characters in the game speak in unintelligible mutterings. The game's sound and music are both quite atmospheric and fit the surreal scenes perfectly, ranging from a dark, subterranean network of pipes to a peaceful, twilit forest.

You cannot save your progress in the game (akin to most Flash games), though you can jump to the beginning of each level by entering a code given to you whenever you reach a new screen. Since the game is not exceedingly long and there is no chance of dying, the inability to save your game at any time you choose is not a major problem. However, there is a particular point in the game where an option to save and restore would still be welcomed. Here, you have to perform a number of actions before solving the game's last puzzle, and the puzzle itself requires precise timing in order to solve. If you do not have the timing exactly right, you will have to go through the required actions all over again.

The game is available for both online and offline play. The first half of the game is available in the free version to play online, but the second half of the game is only available in the paid full version that must be downloaded or installed from the CD.


Overall, Samorost2 is a worthy successor to the original Samorost. The gameplay is longer, the graphics have improved, and the game retains the same charm as the original. Some gamers may find Samorost2 a bit too short or be put off by the occasional pixel hunt. However, for those gamers who have a fondness for adventures with plenty of puzzles and little dialog, Samorost2 is a game definitely worth playing.

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Samorost 2 Crack


Watch as the aliens land near your lighthouse Intro. Click on your dog's kennel and he will be stolen Hatch.

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Click on your character in your space ship, then click on the green bug and put it on the branch that is trapping you. Walk to the far left Snailman.

Enter the round house. Open all three bottles, and pick up the large cork that ends up on the floor. Look at the two creatures on the branch on the left; click on the small one followed by the large one, then while the large one is distracted, fill the hole with the cork. Back in the house, turn the right handle to adjust a funnel on top of the house (so it points more to the right). Look outside to the right and click on the small creature twice so that it shakes pollen into the funnel, then down into the pot. Click the large lever just left of the house twice to pump water into the pot. Turn the tap beneath the pot, then turn the tap outside. When the right creature falls asleep, take his hammer.

Back at the previous screen, hit the robot on the head and you will climb down the ladder Pit.


Walk right on the large pipe and it will break; a fly will appear and land over on the left. Remove the small rock that is blocking the path of the crawling insect. Now wait for this insect to crawl up higher and click on the possum so that it gets eaten (this requires timing). Click on the fly to move it up to the vomit on the pipe, then click on yourself to shake it free. After it gets caught by the spider, click on the fly again to swing out of the area Pantry.


Open the fridge and a mouse will run up to the hole in the ceiling. Click on this hole twice and a double adapter will fall down. Plug this into the powerpoint on the wall, then click on the cable on the floor and plug this in. After the fridge vibrates out of the way, take the hook and attach it to the manhole cover; climb down but it is too dark to see anything.

Head into the passage to the right to see one of the creatures that captured your dog. Ignore it, and take the flashlight from the wall. Go back to the left and down the manhole Sewers.


Pull the flush lever and quickly turn the valve when the water is low enough. Pull the flush lever again and turn a second (lower) valve. Climb through the hole that is revealed. In the next room, turn the 3 small handles until the red tips are pointing directly up and down. Now turn the big wheel to lower the water level. Go across and out through the top right hole.

Put the silver disc on a string into the machine, and press button 1. Take the wrench from the robot that appears and use it to undo 3 of the 4 nuts on the large machine to the right. Give the wrench back to the robot. Pull the disc out and put it back in again, then press button 2. Take the second wrench and use it to undo the final nut. Pull the belt out of the machine and then wait - you will end up going back to the first area. Continue right and climb up the ladder.

Move the lever on the left wall to stop the green fruit from appearing. Move all the fruit into the left basket, then climb into the funnel on the right Budoir.


Pick up the sausage on a rope from the left, and hang it from the skull just to the right - this will spin the fan the other way. When the creature's hat lifts up, quickly press the red button on his chair to be returned to the floor. Now quickly move the chair, then pick up the key that falls to the ground. Use the key on the cage to rescue your dog. Press the button to the left of the door to exit. You will fly away and then crash Plain.


Pick up the parachute from the ground to discover your dog. Click the bottom of the pole to get your dog to push it, then click on yourself near the right end of your second swing to jump down. Now click on the butterfly while it rests in the middle of the screen - it will land on the flower on the right and a shoot will project out to the left. Now quickly click on the small creature on the ground and place it on the shoot, so the large creature will flip over. Click on it to ride to the next area Woods.


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Click on the man to see that he wants a pipe. Take a bell from his hat and place it on the end of the branch just left of the bird. While the bird goes to investigate, click on its nest and a pipe will fall out. Give this to the man, and he will then want a pouch. Click on the hole beneath his tree stump to send your dog down Burrow.

Click on the top of the pouch behind the angry creature to lift it up. Now go and drink some water from the left; when you return to the right, water the plant just to your left and it will grow. Repeat this 2 more times and the plant will grow to reveal a bone. Give the bone to the creature, then take the pouch.

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Up the top again, give the pouch to the man. After the bug has lit the man's pipe, click on it to follow it to the next screen Lighthouse.

Samorost 2 Crack Game


Samorost 2 crack download

Look in the lighthouse, then open the cupboard. Turn the tap to pour water into the kettle, then add coffee. Put the kettle on to the fire at the top of the lighthouse until it boils. Pull the rope left of the lighthouse to ring the bell; when the man tips his head back, pick up the coffee and pour it in his mouth. Return the pot to the cupboard. Outside, take the small balloon from the top of the machine near the bottom of the area. Climb up the mountain on the left Seal Peaks.

Put your balloon on the upward facing spout on the left mountain. Pick up the tallest plant and use it to tickle the nose of the sleeping creature on the right mountain - it will sneeze and send the pitchfork flying down into the bucket. Use the pitchfork to put some food into the tray, and a creature will come to eat. Quickly turn the dials on the left mountain to line the pipe up and catch the bubbles, then when a bubble is caught, turn the tap on top of the mountain to fill up the balloon. Repeat this 2 more times. Drag the inflated balloon on to yourself to climb back down the mountain.

Return the balloon to the top of the machine where you found it. Now go over and stand on the taxi. Jump on the taxi to lower it, then quickly pull the plunger on the machine and press the bellows while the taxi is lowered; gas will enter the taxi if your timing is correct (otherwise, head back up the mountain to fill the balloon again). While you are standing on the boat, click on the driver and he will take you away (you may need to wake him up with coffee once more) Happy End.